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  • Winning Your Chamber's Zero Moment of Truth

    In a 2005 Wall Street Journal article, Proctor and Gamble coined the term First Moment of Truth to describe the moment when a consumer is standing in the store, in front of the shelf, and makes the decision to purchase one brand over another. Recently, a new term arose to describe the moment before the FMOT; the moment when a consumer reaches for her laptop to research a product before she ever steps one foot into the store. This “pre-shopping” moment was dubbed the Zero Moment of Truth - or ZMOT, for short.

  • SEO for Chambers, Part 3: Inbound Links

    Summer of Search, Week 6:Your chamber website’s success is directly related to how many websites are vouching for your credibility – or, in SEO-speak, how many sites are providing inbound links to your site.

  • SEO for Chambers, Part 2: Keywords

    Summer of Search, Week 5: To attract your target audience, you must use the right bait. Learn how to select the right keywords and integrate them into your chamber website.